Starting Line

Starting Line Milestone: Parent Child Dedication Celebration

Begin at the “Starting Line” as you dedicate your child and commit to raising them with a Biblical foundation of faith. We want parents to feel confident in the discipleship of their own family, the beginning of the pathway is an amazing place to start.

Tell Me, What is This Phase All About?

Parent & Child Dedication is an exciting time to honor when God blesses you with the gift of a child. We rejoice with you. In the midst of all the excitement and changes that a new child brings to a home, it’s important to take time to focus on what matters most. That’s what Parent & Child Dedication is all about. This milestone celebrates your commitment to model, teach, and reinforce the Christian faith by intentionally raising your child in a Christ-centered home. It should not be confused with your child’s personal choice to follow Christ. It’s an opportunity for you to commit to being the primary spiritual example for your child. It’s a time to declare “I’m going to raise my child to love and follow Jesus.” And we want you to know that your church family is here to partner with you. We want to be your biggest fans, your strongest supporters and your trusted guide.

Put It Into Practice

Here are some ideas for making your Parent Dedication a special time:

  • Set up a time to meet with our ministry team and learn more about establishing a foundation of faith in your home.
  • Schedule a public expression of your dedication (see below for how to do this at The MET).
  • Have a dinner or celebration with family and friends before or after the dedication.
  • Invite family members and close friends to write blessings for your child as a keepsake. Be sure to write one yourself, too!
  • Record a video message for your child to view in the future. Share words of affirmation, how you are praying for their spiritual journey, and your desire to guide them toward Christ. Alternatively, you can write a letter if that feels more meaningful to you.

Next Steps

  • Reach out to our team to set up a Parent Team visit to equip your parenting skills for this phase of building a foundation of faith.
  • Sign up for the next Parent Child Dedication using the link below? (or live link)
  • Send invitations to your relatives and friends. If it would bless your time of dedication, feel free to invite any of the staff with whom you have a personal relationship.
  • Send us your stories! We would love to hear how your special time of celebration and dedication changed lives and blessed you and your community.

Additional Resources

Bumps, Babies, and the Gospel by Sarah Dargue
Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman
Dad Tired and Loving It: Stumbling Your Way To Spiritual Leadership by Jerrad Lopes
Dedicated to the Lord: Five Parental Promises for the Faithful Discipleship of Children by David Michael
Risen Motherhood by Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler
Don't Miss It: Parent Every Week Like It Counts by Reggie Joiner and Kristen Ivy

Are you wondering how to help your child get to their next phase of spiritual maturity as they grow as a disciple? We would love to meet with you.

Hannah Bush


Cristina Liceaga