Bingo and Burgers Bash – Senior Adults

May 14, 2024 6:00 pm  |  The MET Church - C-550

We’re firing up the grill to serve mouthwatering burgers hot off the grill, accompanied by some refreshing iced tea and lemonade provided by The MET. But that’s not all – we need your culinary flair to make this feast complete! Bring your favorite side dish and desserts to share with fellow bingo enthusiasts.

Get ready to dab and shout “Bingo!” as we play rounds of everyone’s favorite game. Prizes await all the lucky winners.

Don’t miss this chance to mingle, munch, and make memories together. Come one, come all, and let’s have a blast at the senior adult Bingo & Burgers Bash!


Please register online by Sunday, May 12, to ensure we have enough burgers and bingo cards for everyone.