Disciple Makers Conference

October 12 - 13, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 2023  |  The MET Church - main campus

13000 Jones Rd, Houston, TX, USA

 ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ – Jesus (Matthew 4:19 ESV)

You’re invited to join pastors and leaders from around Houston and beyond to explore Jesus’ methods of relational discipleship. 

In Disciple Makers, you will catch the vision for turning, returning, or refocusing your church into a disciple-making force in your community. This is not a conference full of lectures. It’s an experience. Intentionally small and interactive, in a highly relational environment. It’s an excellent opportunity to explore, process, and dialogue with other like-minded Great Commission leaders hungering to see their church move beyond attendance-only on Sundays to living as people who follow Jesus, are changed by Jesus, and are committed to the mission of Jesus!

For this experience to be as effective as possible, your church’s senior leadership must be present. Returning to your church and attempting to ‘translate’ your Disciple Maker experience is ineffective. Making disciples who make disciples has to be a commitment at the highest level of your church or organization! That’s because making disciples isn’t something we do; it’s who we are. If your senior leadership cannot attend, you can still join us. However, you’ll need to adjust your expectations of what might be next for your church.

Disciple Makers is a two-day experience at The MET Church on Thursday and Friday, October 12 & 13. If you’re outside the Houston area, we’d love to help with any logistical questions you may have. ‘Where should we stay? Where’s the best BBQ? Is there any extra fun happening each evening?’ You know, all the important stuff! If you’d like to connect before registering, let us know by emailing Scott Rodgers at srodgers@themet.church.

What’s the cost? Disciple Makers is partly made possible by our generous partners who desire to see a disciple-making movement in the local church. In addition, the UBA and The MET are committed to removing the obstacles you may face in experiencing this conference. There is no cost to register. At a later date, we’ll share communication with those registered on how you can help cover some of the costs and even sponsor other pastors and leaders so that they to can begin building disciple-making cultures in their churches.

Register today, and we’ll hold your spot on October 12 & 13, 2023, at The MET Church. Bring someone with you. Bring your whole team. Please encourage them to register as well.

Due to the relational emphasis of the experience, space is limited. Register today!

Disciple Makers is brought to you by Union Baptist Association and The MET Church.