ESL Classes

September 7, 6:30 pm - December 14 - 8:00 pm 2022  |  The MET Church - main campus atrium classrooms (2nd floor)

13000 Jones Rd, Houston, TX, USA

We offer English as a Second Language (ESL) classes throughout the year at Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels. Classes are led by trained volunteers who are excited to meet you and help you learn. Anyone who would like to learn English is welcome!

  • Beginner — For those who speak little to no English.
  • Intermediate — For those who know just enough English to “get by.”
  • Advanced — For those who want to improve their pronunciation and accent and to feel more comfortable conversing at work, at school, and in the community.

Classes are a course in conversational English. Attendees must purchase a textbook for $25, but all classes are free! Ministry care is also provided for infants up to 12 years old.

Where?  2nd floor atrium classrooms E213, E214, E215.

Classes will take place Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm – 8:00pm in the atrium classrooms E213, E214, E215.