Galatians Bible Study – Women’s AM

March 5, 9:30 am - April 16 - 11:30 am  |  The MET Church - C550

13010 Jones Road, Houston, TX, USA

The Book of Galatians is a passionate letter written by the apostle Paul explaining what it really looks like to be followers of Jesus Christ. Paul is adamant in his letter that the gospel is all we need to know and to live truly free – that Jesus is enough and nothing needs to be added. There is certain and specific freedom in receiving our acceptance in Christ and that freedom gives us authority, assignment, adoption, and restoration like nothing else! In this study series, Bible teacher and women’s pastor Jada Edwards shows us that when we catch a whiff of rejection, we can find security in the liberating acceptance of Christ.

Cost: $20 includes workbook

Galatians – March 5 – April 16
9:30am – 11:30am | C550
Light breakfast and coffee provided
Teachers: Ashley Madera and Catherine Martinez