High School Graduation

High School Graduation Celebration & Senior Trip

And before you know it, you are almost at the finish line. 936 weeks have passed with you discipling your child on this path. “Senior Celebration” celebrates your child starting their next adventure into early adulthood. Releasing another disciple that is maturing in their own faith to go and do the same.


Teens in this phase are about to begin a whole new chapter of life, but before they do, we spend intentional time away with our senior class looking back on all that God has done and looking forward to what is ahead. During this time away we reinforce the importance of continuing to grow a deeply rooted faith.


Tell me, What is This Phase About?

We’ve all heard the phrase “failure to launch” describing young men and women who don’t make the transition well into responsible adulthood, which is why we’ve created the Senior Celebration Milestone. Whether your son or daughter is going off to college, joining the military, or entering the workforce, ages 17 to 18 are a crucial time to be intentional about successfully launching them into a God-honoring life. Unfortunately, many parents inadvertently keep their children from growing up due to overprotection and lack of intentionality.


As the parent of an older teen who’s headed toward emerging adulthood, you are about to fully step into a consultant role. You can’t force feed them, but you can motivate, encourage, challenge, and advise. And while you can help them articulate what they believe, challenge their thinking, remind them of the “basics” already learned during earlier years, the time has come for your child to truly own his or her own beliefs and choices.


Put It Into Practice

Here are some ways you can provide a listening ear as they wrestle with and possibly question the values they learned as a child while maintaining a strong relationship that includes frequent, open dialogue.

  • Give perspective concerning big questions. During the transition into adulthood, your son or daughter will face big questions including: Where should I go to college? What kind of work should I do? Where should I live? What should I do with my life? Who should I marry? Direct your child back to overarching biblical principles. The last words of King David to his son Solomon (in 1 Chronicles 28:9) provide a model for parents advising emerging adults: “And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind.” Amid the practical advice parents may offer on setting goals, choosing a job, finding a spouse, and so forth, we must also elevate the importance of making decisions in light of the scriptures.
  • Make the most of the time. While leaving home is a healthy and good process, it can be emotional for parent and child alike. Ease the pain by using the remaining time your son or daughter has at home to create lasting memories. Spend quality time together connecting and talking about the exciting adventure of adulthood.


Next Steps

Here are three final ways you can give your child the best opportunity to succeed and make an easy transition:

  1. Choose a particular book or resource to go through together. Schedule coffee dates to talk through specific topics.
  2. Amid the last-minute packing and tearful goodbyes that accompany launching your young adult from the nest, stop to spend a few minutes writing him or her a letter of blessing to encourage your child. Let them know that you are praying for them during this season of transition. (A sample letter is below)


Before you Leave

It can be both emotional and exciting to help your child leave the nest. Before they pack up and drive away, but there are some basics to make sure you cover so that your child is ready to be independent. Take some time to go through a checklist of basic life skills they’ll need and helpful items that can set them up to succeed. The topics below can help guide a conversation that highlights a few areas in which your child might welcome some final coaching to make sure they’re ready to go.

CAR: Are you confident handling basic car issues such as changing a tire, checking tire pressure, and fluid levels?

  • TIP: If moving to a new town, help your child identify a reputable mechanic in the area.

LAUNDRY: Do you know how to wash and dry a load of laundry? Colors and whites?

  • TIP: Consider a fun trip to the laundry mat for your child to figure out how to use a different machine than you have at home.

FOOD: Can you cook a few nutritious meals?

  • TIP: Let your son/daughter choose a meal and guide them through the preparation and cooking process. Enjoy the time together as you create a fun memory that teaches them how to care for their body!

MONEY: Do you have a budget?

  • TIP: Consider going online to download budget forms to fill in with your child.

HEALTH: What doctor will you visit if you get sick?

  • TIP: Help your child have a plan for any medical emergencies and/or find a new doctor if moving to a new town.

CHURCH: If moving to a new town, what church will you attend?

  • TIP: Talk through what to look for (and not look for) in a good church. Not just, “Is the music good?” or “Are the people friendly?”, but “Do they stand for truth and point each other to Jesus and clearly preach God’s Word?
  • It’s also helpful to get information on Christian campus organizations and ministries.

COLLEGE CAMPUS: If going to school, are you confident you’ll be able to find your classes?

  • TIP: Take time to walk around campus together and help your child get a good feel for where everything is located.
Alison New


Seth Reed


Are you wondering how to help your child get to their next phase of spiritual maturity as they grow as a disciple? We would love to meet with you.

Additional Resources

Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper
Welcome to College: A Christ-Follower’s Guide for the Journey by Jonathan Morrow
Give Them Wings by Carol Kuykendall
How to Stay Christian in College by J. Budziszewski
The Freshman 15 by Kate Henderson
True U video series from Focus on the Family
The Empty Nester Years
Surviving Religion 101 by Michael Kruger