Pastor Search

The MET Mission & Vision

Founded in 1965, The MET Church is a multi-generational, diverse church with a heart for Houston and the world. Passionate about the good news of Jesus Christ and the hope found in him, we believe that purpose, meaning, and fulfillment come from following Jesus, being changed by him, and living on mission for him.

Search Updates

We are in the final stages of our Pastor Search Plan. Please continue to pray for God's guidance in this process.

JULY 28, 2024

Coming soon!

JULY 7 2024

On Sunday, July 7, our elders shared an update on our Pastor Search process. After much prayer, extensive interviews, and time spent with several candidates, our elders are united and excited to nominate our next Lead Pastor at The MET.

The candidate will be with us on Sunday, July 28, as he preaches in our 9:30 and 11:00 am services.

According to our bylaws, active members of The MET can vote in person after each morning service on Sunday, July 28. An affirmative vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of those active members who are present and voting is required to select our next Lead Pastor.

If you are unsure of your membership status, please call the church office or email, and a staff member will assist you. The next and last Membership Class before the vote is Sunday, July 14.

Please register here

APRIL 21, 2024

After initiating the Pastor Search Plan with 40 Days of Prayer, we formed a Pastor Search Team. They reviewed 80+ applicants, conducting initial interviews with more than a dozen candidates. After closing the application process, the Pastor Search Team presented candidates to the Elders in April. The Elders will conduct further interviews and with further discernment and prayer, select one candidate to present to the church for a vote. We’re now in phase 4 and invite you to join us in seeking the Lord’s guidance for our next Lead Pastor.

MARCH 24, 2024


Seeking our Next Lead Pastor: A Journey of Faith & Prayer!

FEBRUARY 18, 2024

Welcome to the first of the Pastor Search Plan updates. We are thrilled to announce the formation of our Pastor Search Team, kicking off phase two in our search journey. After much prayer and careful consideration, we have selected a dedicated group of men and women who embody the virtues and mission of The MET.

Pastor Search Team

Front Row: (L to R):

Paula Garrett, Misty Hauser, Omotoye Makinde

Back Row: (L to R):

Tony Allen, Bob Young, Rusty Burress, Bryan Hanks, Erick Macias, Greg Usry

Assigned as alternates (not pictured):

Floyd Stubblefield, Julie Gist

The Pastor Search Team is responsible for phase three in our search process, reviewing candidate resumes and initial interviews with the potential candidates. The Pastor Search Team will then present the Elders with a small slate of candidates for further interviewing – the next step in phase four. With unwavering trust in their discernment and commitment, we are confident that this team will navigate the journey ahead with wisdom and grace. Let’s continue to cover this team with prayer and support, as we trust in their leadership to guide us through this process.

JANUARY 2, 2024

At the beginning of 2024, The MET began seeking God for its next Lead Pastor. The church is healthy, strong, and vibrant. Our eldership and leadership team are unified and excited for the man God chooses to bring to lead our church into the future. And that future remains focused on lifting our city with the gospel and making disciples who make disciples. A fantastic staff and an incredible team of people who serve throughout the church also means that The MET is poised to continue in its momentum and pursuit of inviting people into meaningful relationship with God and each other. The role of Lead Pastor at The MET is an excellent opportunity for a visionary leader to join a beautiful work of God that is making a difference in our city.

We are committed to frequent, clear communication with our church throughout the search process. The search process consists of five phases: Prayer, Formation of a Search Team, Receiving and Evaluating Applications, Pursuing and Interviewing Candidates, and the Selection, Presenting, and Confirmation of our next Lead Pastor.

About This Role

The Lead Pastor plays a pivotal role in guiding and shaping the church. They lead with a clear vision, establish a spiritual atmosphere, and fulfill the mission through dynamic preaching, effective teaching, and the nurturing of leaders. As the primary teaching pastor, their role is to communicate God's truth with authenticity, fostering a culture firmly rooted in biblical principles and prioritizing the well-being of the staff.

Collaboration is key for the Lead Pastor, who works closely with elders, deacons, and ministry leaders to bring the church's mission and vision to fruition. Beyond shepherding the congregation, the lead pastor also offers leadership to The MET's staff. It's a comprehensive role that blends vision-setting, effective communication, and collaborative leadership to ensure the church thrives in its mission.

Pastor Search FAQs

Answering your questions is essential. To begin, we've provided some answers to some frequently asked questions.

Who is guiding The MET Church through this season of transition?

The Leadership Team and Elders are leading The MET during this season of transition. The MET’s Leadership Team (LT) includes Christian Miller, Scott Rodgers and Mike Turk. Currently, all ministry leaders on staff report to one of three members of LT. Our dedicated team of five Elders, including Chad Braun, Doug Hill, Jason Lindelow, Greg Usry, and Richie Pascual, are leading us through the pastor search process. Our next Lead Pastor will become our sixth Elder. Your prayers and support are crucial as we embark on this transformative journey.

Learn more about our Elders, Leadership Team, and amazing staff on our STAFF PAGE.

Who makes up the Pastor Search Team?

A team of seven active individuals, two alternates and two Elders will serve on the Pastor Search Team. This team reflects diversity across age, ethnicity, and various other factors to ensure a comprehensive representation of our church community. The Search Team will be responsible for reviewing candidate resumes and initial interviews with the potential candidates. The Search Team will then present the Eldership with a small slate of candidates for further interviewing – the next step in phase four.

Will there be an interim Lead Pastor? 

We will not have an interim Lead Pastor. The Leadership Team has divided responsibilities to lead the staff in the day-to-day functions of the various ministries of the church, along with guidance and support from the Elder team. During the interim, multiple pastors, and guest speakers are scheduled to teach messages from our previously approved content calendar. The MET staff and the ministries continue the mission without interruption.

Will our doctrine or theology change? 

No, our core beliefs remain steadfast. We will continue to focus on the grace of Jesus and the transformative power of His death and resurrection. If you have any questions regarding our doctrine or theology, explore our Statement of Beliefs page.

Is there an estimated duration for this transition period? 

We commit to navigating this transition prayerfully, thoughtfully, and patiently. Updates on our journey will be shared regularly as we discern the steps God is guiding us towards!

How will the congregation be involved in the selection process of the new Lead Pastor? 

There are several ways we can all participate in the search process. First and foremost, please pray by participating in our 40 Days of Prayer. Our aim is for God’s will to be done. Second, continue being the church through your serving, giving, and patient support of the process. Next, please share this page with anyone you know who may qualify as a candidate.

How can individuals recommend potential candidates for the Lead Pastor position?

If you know someone who may be qualified for this opportunity, please share this webpage with them. They can submit a resume by clicking on the ‘BECOME A CANDIDATE’ button above.

What kind of updates should we expect, and when?

We are committed to communicating any and all necessary updates on a regular basis. You’ll find the most current updates on this page. We’ll also share notable updates and progress periodically on Sundays, and in our church-wide email. At this point, the plan is to provide a monthly update.

If you’re not currently receiving the email, subscribe here

How will Phase 5 go? The selection, presenting, and confirming of the new Lead Pastor?

According to our bylaws  in Article 4.07 (b)

“Calling/Election of Lead Pastor. The Eldership will initiate the process to replace the Lead Pastor. The Eldership shall nominate and present to Members only one (1) candidate at a time. The members shall vote by written ballot at the weekend worship services. The affirmative vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of those Members present and voting at a meeting with a quorum will be required to elect a Lead Pastor, who will, upon his acceptance, serve until the relationship is terminated by his death or resignation or by the vote of the Members or Eldership.”

If I'm not a member, how can I become a member?

Membership class is offered throughout the year at The MET. For details on membership and the dates for upcoming classes, go HERE.

Have a question about the Pastor Search process?

Contact our Elders today!